Our Culture of Innovation

Since 1966, Groupe Grimaud companies have been using emerging new technologies in their animal breeding programs.

In 2011, this scheme of development has been strengthened by launching a distinctive innovation approach, similar to the technological developments used in other fields such as human health (medical imaging), mobility (electric motors), energy (renewable energies), telephony (with the smartphones), etc... Still using the support of our existing tools, we opted to value and adapt tools coming from other sectors to our activities. This is why Groupe Grimaud qualifies its policy of innovation as "GeneTech by Grimaud" or Distinctive Innovation.


Animal welfare

Our 5 commitments

Groupe Grimaud is one of the first parts of the value chain in animal production, offering a significant added value to the other players in the industry up to the consumer level. That is why the GeneTech approach is realised by respecting 5 fundamental commitments, namely: always supply the industry with more competitive products, in a sustainable way respecting the environment and animal welfare, and assuring the customers of products combining high quality with undisputable sanitary status.

Conviction #1

Imaging by scanner




CONVICTION #1: Imaging by scanner

The imaging by scanner is the first distinctive technology implemented by GeneTech by Grimaud for the subsidiaries of the group. It allows a more accurate measure of the physical characteristics of the animals and the research of new criteria.

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Conviction #2

Monitoring technologies


CONVICTION #2: Monitoring technologies

Monitoring technologies are the second pillar of the Genetech platform by Grimaud. They make it possible to measure in real time the behaviour and the performances of animals as close to the field conditions as possible.

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Conviction # 3

From the genome to the animal's performance



GENOMICS is the 3rd component of the Genetech platform by Grimaud. It allows to establish the connections between the animal's genome and their performances.

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Conviction # 3

Discover now the Genomics

Conviction # 4

Big data to enable progress



BIG DATA is the 4th component of the Genetech platform by Grimaud. This technology makes it possible to evaluate large quantities of data produced in breeding, thanks to innovative methods of collecting phenotypical and genotypical information, combined with bio-computing and mathematics progress.

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In figures

Groupe Grimaud

The mission of the Groupe Grimaud is to further develop know-how and products in the life science field, contributing to the development of efficient solutions for the food and health industries throughout the world.

Our two core businesses are:

  • Genetic selection, production and distribution of animal breeding stock, hatching eggs and semen for broiler and layer chickens, pigs, ducks, guinea fowls, rabbits, pigeons and shrimps.
  • Bio-pharmacy serving human and animal health through vaccines, pharmaceutical proteins and sera, human antibodies, specific pathogen free animals, bacterial cultures.